About the Contributors to this Site

This site is the result of a collaberation and information from mostly ex-employees, even a couple of Brent’s cherished senior NPS Advantage Reps. Most (not all) of us would have been happy to forget about this entire nightmare – and we had – until Brent Cassity decided to publish a book telling “his story.” Some statements in the book paint a much different story than the one we remember collectively. 

A few of us were disparaged in the book and you may ask, “Why not just file a defamation lawsuit?” It’s a good question and some of us have considered it. The main driver in our hesitancy is that Brent Cassity has a judgement of over $400 million dollars against him levied in the criminal case. This makes any possible chance of recovering compensation from him unlikely. Many people in his position know that they can make statements like he has without fear of a lawsuit for this exact reason. Hence, the website was born.

This fraud has cost taxpayers close to $500 million thus far. It was a very complex scheme and incompetent regulators, particularly Jay Nixon of Missouri, should be called out as well. They’ve hidden the fact that taxpayers, particularly from Missouri and Texas, are footing most of the bill on this case. Thousands of funeral homes are also taking a large hit and will be for years to come.

Thank you for visiting the site and please contact us if you have any questions!